Tautan Jurnal dan Prosiding



  1. Kemas: Jurnal Kesehatan SILAHKAN KLIK LINK 
  2. MKMI Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  3. Indonesian Journal of Administrations (Jurnal Administrasi Kesehatan Indonesia) SILAHKAN KLIK LINK 
  4. Jurnal Promkes (The Indonesian Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education) SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  5. Indonesian Journal of Nutrition and Food (Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan ) (Sinta 2) SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  6. Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia (Sinta 2) SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  7. The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition (Jurnal Gizi Indonesia) (Sinta 2) SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  8. Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia (Sinta 2) SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  9. The Indonesian Journal of Occupational Safety and Health  SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  10. Media Gizi Indonesia (Sinta 2) SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  11. Jurnal Gizi dan Dietetik Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics) (Sinta 2)  SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  12. Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan (Sinta 2)  SILAHKAN KLIK LINK


  2. The Lancet Public Health SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  4. Plos One Global Public Health SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  5. Royal Society for Public Health SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  6. Journal of Public Health SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  7. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health (APJPH) SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  8. Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional (National Public Health Journal) SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  9. Amerta Nutrition SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  11. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition SILAHKAN KLIK LINK


  1. Proceedings of the nutrition society, 3rd International Symposium on Nutrition (ISN 2022): Urban food policies for sustainable nutrition and health SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  2. Proceedings of the nutrition society, 46th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Nutrition Society of Australia SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  3. Proceedings of the nutrition society, Winter Conference 2022/23, 24–25 January 2023, Architecture of food: processing, structure and health SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  4. Proceedings of the nutrition society, Scottish Section Conference 2023, 28–29 March 2023, Diet and health inequalities SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  5. Proceedings of the nutrition society, Irish Section Conference 2023, 14–16 June 2023, Understanding the role of sex and gender in nutrition research SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  6. Proceedings of the nutrition society, Summer Conference 2023, 3–6 July 2023, Nutrition at key stages of the lifecycle SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  7. International Conference of Nursing, Health and Education (ICNHE) SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  8. The 1st International Conference of Health Science Faculty Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (ICHS) SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  9. The 1st International Conference on Health, Social Sciences, and Technology (ICoHSST) SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  10. The 5th International Seminar of Public Health and Education (ISPHE 2020) SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  11. The 7th International Conference on Public Helath (ICPH 2020) SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  12. The 1st Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Conference (MIPHMC) 2021 SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  13. The 2nd International Conference Health, Science And Technology (ICOHETECH) SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  14. The 2nd Sriwijaya International Conference on Public Health 2021 SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  15. The 8th International Conference Conference on Public Helath (ICPH 2020) SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  16. The 8th Annual Conference of Industrial and System Engineering (8th ACISE) and 1st International Conference on Ergonomics, Safety and Health (1st ICESH) 2021 SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  17. The 2nd Muhammadiyah International Public Health And Medicine Conference (MIPHMC) 2022 SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  18. The 3rd International Conference Health, Science And Technology (ICOHETECH) SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  19. The 8th International Conference on Public Health 2022 (ICOPH 2022) SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  20. Malikussaleh International Conference on Health and Disaster Medicine (MICOHEDMED) 2022 SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  21. The 2nd International Nursing and Health Sciences Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  22. The 2nd Sriwijaya International Conference on Public Health 2023 SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  23. The 1st Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Conference (MIPHMC) SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  24. The 4th Sriwijaya International Conference on Public Health  SILAHKAN KLIK LINK
  25. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Public Health 2023 SILAHKAN KLIK LINK