Proceeding Book Sicph Fkm Unsri Tahun 2021


  1. Analysis of Occupational Health and Safety Requirements From Fuel Daily Storage Tank Fires at Diesel Power Plant X - Maududi farabi
  2. Correlation Between Household Expenditure and Nutritional Status of Toddlers in Padang City During Covid-19 Pandemic - Deni Elnovriza1, Risti Kurnia Dewi, Rahmania Adrianus
  3. Prevention and Control of Infections in Health Personnel in Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic in Health Service Facilities of Musi Rawas District - Catherine Dwi Augusthi Putri
  4. Prevalence and Risk Factors for Preeclampsia In Pregnant Women in RSUD (Regional Public Hospital) Ajibarang in 2019-2020 - Dealita Aulia, Wilis Dwi Pangesti
  5. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Farm Area and Industrial Area of Citarum Watershed - Zahra, Lely Indrawati
  6. Analysis of Deworming Program Implementation in Elementary School Students in Work Region of Puskesmas Air Beliti - Muhammad Prima Cakra Randana, Misnaniarti, Rostika Flora, Benedictus Widodo
  7. A Year and A Half Trend Analysis and Spatial Distribution of COVID-19 Cases In Palembang - Ahmad Ghiffari, Hamzah Hasyim, Iskhaq Iskandar, Muhammad Totong Kamaluddin
  8. Analysis of Public Search Interest in Hoax and Conspiracy Towards Increasing of COVID-19    Confirmed     Cases     in     Indonesia:     Study     Google     Trends - Adela Nadya Letissia, Angela Irene, Chandra Wahyudi, Naomi Winny Tioline, Rizka Samira Batubara, Rizma Adlia Syakurah
  9. Analysis of Public Search Interests Regarding Treatment and Prevention of New Cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia - Desi Mawarni, Iza Netiasa Haris, Rizka Dwi Patriawati, Mutiara Tri Florettira, Clarisya Resky Vania, Rizma Adlia Syakurah
  10. Food Security in Families of Stunting and Non-stunting Toddlers During he COVID-19 Pandemic In Palembang, Indonesia - Indah Purnama Sari, Windi Indah Fajar Ningsih, Desri Maulina Sari
  11. Natural Factors and Wetland Fires in the District of Ogan Ilir, South Sumatera Province in 2019 - Nyayu Zaskia Faturrahma, Mona Lestari, Novrikasari1, Dwi Septiawati1, Desheila Andarini
  12. Implementation of the National Health Insurance Program (JKN) at Sei Baung Public    Health    Center    Through    the     Evaluation     Criteria     of     Equity - Farah Fadhillah, Dian Safriantini, Asmaripa Ainy, Haerawati Idris, Misnaniarti
  13. Self-Efficacy Men Who Have Sex With Men (Msm) People Living With Hiv/Aids - Rico Januar Sitorus, Miftaqulia Era Khairia, Elisna Wulandari, Merry Natalia Panjaitan, Yeni Indriyani
  14. Association Between Membership of Health Insurance and Inpatient Utilization: Analysis of The National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS) 2019 - Royhana Afifa , Asmaripa Ainy
  15. Diarrhea, Water Quality and Wasting Among Children in Riverside Settlement of Ogan Ilir District, South Sumatera Indonesia - Imelda G Purba , Anggun Budiastuti, Rico Januar Sitorus
  16. Determinant Factors of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Pre-School Children in Babat Village, Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir Regency (PALI) - Syartika Dinanti, Yuliarti
  17. Distribution of Environmental Factor to Malaria Incidence In Muara Enim Regency - Elvi Sunarsih, Muhammad Zulkarnain, Laila Hanum, Rostika Flora
  18. The Effect of Seminars Online on Community Knowledge About New Habits Adaptation in Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Mariatul Fadilah, Pariyana, Rifka Purnama Sari, Rizka Dwi Patriawati, Rizma Adlia Syakurah
  19. Online Nutrition Education Class to Improve Knowledge and Wellness of Well- Being - Windi Indah Fajar Ningsih, Fatmalina Febry, Indah Purnama Sari, Jovita Octa Melinda
  20. Analysis of Sanitation Hygiene Risk Factor With the Incident of Diarrhea in Wet Land Settlements of Pulutan District - Inoy Trisnaini, Imelda Gernauli Purba, Rahmatillah Razak
  21. Advanced Formula Feeding and Overweight in Toddlers: A Review of Mother’s Perception in Palembang - Manda Sari Ulina, Fatmalina Febry
  22. Relationship of Sleep Quality, Eating Habits and Physical Activity With Nutritional Status In Night Shift Workers   At   Pltmh   Niagara   South   OKU   Regency - Rahma Zahara, Indah Yuliana, Yuliarti, Amrina Rosyada, Windi Indah Fajar Ningsih
  23. Analysis of Antiglare Screen Use With the Incident Computer Vision Syndrome (Cvs) In Communications and Informatics Department of The City of Palembang - Mona Sherti Agusti, Yuanita Windusari
  24. Analysis    of    the    Cause    of    Work    Accident    at    Palm    Oil    Harvesters - Devi Afriani, Mona Lestari, Anita Camelia, Desheila Andarini, Novrikasari, Titi Nurhaliza
  25. Exposure Residuals of Cigarette Smoke to Acute Respiratory Infection on Children in the Work Area of Boombaru Health Center Palembang - Nila Afifah, Amrina Rosyada
  26. Hazard implementation and operability study (hazops) in the process of risk analysis on boiler unit pembangkit tenaga gas dan uap (pltgu) keramasan palembang Sandra Apriliana LTC, - Anita Camelia, Dini Arista Putri, Novrikasari, Desheila Andarini, Mona Lestari, Poppy Fujianti
  27. Trafic Accident in Palembang City 2020 - Nora Agustina, Desheila Andarini, Anita Camellia, Mona Lestari, Novrikasari
  28. Analysis of Medical Record Folder Design At Toto Kbila Hospital In 2021 - Hartati Inaku, Faradilah Djibran
  29. Morphology and Dominant Factors of Personal Hygiene Behavior Affecting the Incidence of Pediculosis Capitis at Orphanages in Palembang City,Indonesia - Jhonriswanda, Chairil Anwar, Mohammad Zulkarnain, Rico Januar Sitorus
  30. University Students Awareness Of Implementing Health Protocol During COVID - 19 Pandemic in Indonesia - Windi Indah Fajar Ningsih, Andi Eka Yunianto, Dominikus Raditya Atmaka, Hasmar Fajriana, Manik Nur Hidayati, Eliza, Alifah Asyarin
  31. Factors Related to the Selection of Snack Food in School Students at SDN 33 Lubuklinggau City - Ike Yunilamsari, Yuliarti
  32. Sarcoptes Scabiei Mite Morphology And Environmental Factors Affecting Scabies Incidence (Case Study: Islamic Boarding School “X In Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra Province) - Yesi Arisandi, Dewi Ruri
  33. The Correlation of Environmental Tobacco Exposure During Pregnancy (Passive Smoker) With The Happened of Low Birth Weight (LBW) at Prabumulih Public Hospitals - Dian Puspasari, Dwi Septiawati*, Hamzah Hasyim, Rahmatillah Razak